Must See Shows (12.18.24-12.24.24)
Saturday, December 21st @ 7:30pm buffaBLOG Holiday Party @ Milkies Well, we’re back. These past few months we have been increasing our content load and getting back on the saddle to provide our normal churn of quality local and regional bands for your listening pleasure. With that, we wanted to re-establish some of our defunct annual traditions, which include our heavily attended annual Holiday Party. Previously, we hosted this event annually at DBGB’s, however with the closure of the establishment, we had to find a new home for the showcase and we are happy to now collaborate with Milkies for this upcoming event. If you haven’t wandered to that section of Elmwood over the past couple years, the lounge underwent a giant revamp of their menu, branding, and interior since 2023 when the general manager Nikki Rosenberg took the realm. Our past holiday parties have featured performances by JOYWAVE, Humble Braggers, Newish Star, RADARADA, The Slums,[...]