Sound Devices: Why wZa Loves His Custom Roland MV-8800
Editor’s note: Each week, Cory Perla of The Public asks a local musician to tell us why they love their favorite piece of gear. wZa is hip-hop producer and member of the Buffalo-based hip-hop groups Radarada and Death Picnic. His solo debut full length, AzN CHiKz, comes out this winter. “I love this piece of equipment because it is very versatile and has it’s own unique sound. Not a lot of other beatmakers I know use one as their main piece of gear, so it helps separate my sound from other producer’s sound. It’s also great because it works perfectly for live performance with the bands I play in — Radarada and Death Picnic. It’s great in the studio or my bedroom when I’m making my own beats. I also love it because it has my own design to it, so when I play it, I feel pretty cool.” – wZa