Contribute to Desire Will Set You Free

Berlin. The LGBTQ community. Punk rock spirit. These are some of the common threads of the upcoming film from Yony Leyser (William S. Burroughs: A Man Within), Desire Will Set You Free, slated for release in Spring 2015.

Straight from the press release, Desire “explores artistic and marginalized life in Berlin with an often critical and sometimes humorous (but always reverent) eye. The story follows the encounter between an American writer of Israeli/Palestinian descent and a Russian aspiring artist working as a hustler. Actively exploring gender identity, sexuality, andthe differences between expatriate and refugee life, the main characters travel through Berlin’s layered history and unique subcultural landscape. On their adventures they discover influences and remnants of the Weimar Republic, WWII, the Bowie years, and punk”.

Jillian Mertz, a staple of the Buffalo music & arts scene, and recent German transplant, has been heavily involved in the promotion of this film, as music coordinator of the soundtrack and project fundraiser. You may know Jill as the brain behind Little Red Booking or as a musician in Thaals or Gurr. She has her hands deep in this project, and if the film is half as good as the trailer indicates (see below), we are in for a real treat.

Desire is one of those important films that explores artistry, music, social identity, and culture, honing in on a generation of refugees, outcasts, and the stories that bind them. For those reasons alone, it is important to contribute. As this is an independent film, kickstarter has been an important tool in the process. Please, please, PLEASE donate to the cause, and support this unique story.

Categorised in: News

This post was written by Jon Krol
